Actions always speak louder than words.

A better future can only come from a policy-centered approach.

Welcome to Policy Over Politics! A non-partisan, community-oriented organization focused on building a brighter future utilizing technology with an inclusive, collaborative approach.

The issues that face our communities are not split along party lines. The only way to progress is by illuminating the present inequalities while simultaneity offering real solutions.


We exist to amplify the voices of all the under-served communities throughout our city. Our goal is to foster inclusive community change.

Political Activism

Policy Over Politics is committed to emphasizing non-partisan action by our representatives in government. In this era of sizable social divides, we are here to provide a voice for non-partisan progress.

Our political systems only work if they fully speak to the needs of the people they serve. This has not been the case for some time, which we intend to change.

Policy Over Politics stands to be a platform for the independent majority to access information on organizations, measures, and individuals that are pushing forward to improve our communities.


Social Outreach

Policy Over Politics is fully committed to highlighting non-profit organizations and events that bring light to our communities.

Through our ongoing partnership with StarBoy Media, we specialize in connecting with the people that make San Diego spectacular.

By finding and illustrating these stories, we want to remind the public that there’s still light in the house. The fractured world we live in can be bonded only if we listen and learn from the experiences of others.


“The power of the people is so much stronger than the people in power.”

— Wael Ghonm

Join the Future of
representation in
local Government.


Sign up to be the first to know about our events, newsletters, and updates. The first step to change comes with a collective goal; to outline clear, community-oriented policy in our governmental systems.